Many people are just starting to learn how to do Maum meditation technique. Maum meditation is a relatively new meditation technique, having been founded in 1996 by Woo Myung in South Korea. Maum Meditation is based around the idea that most people live in a false world and no in reality itself.
Those who practice Maum meditation believe the technique enable practitioners to move out of the false world.
How to do Maum Meditation: Instructions
The maum meditation technique uses eight stages. The first seven stages prepare practitioner to leave the false world and enter the real world.
1: The first stage of maum meditation aims to create oneness between the practitioner and the universe. To do this stage, sit comfortably on a meditation cushion or yoga mat. Now visualise the death of your physical body and imagine your soul floating off into space.
2: The second stage of muam meditation gets the practitioner to recognise “False Mind.” This stage moves you past feelings, emotions and thoughts. To do this step of the muam meditation imagine that you are in space and there is a black hole next to you. Now visualise yourself throwing your emotions and thoughts into this black hole. Now throw your spiritual self into the black hole.
3: This stage destroys your emotions and memories. To do it, imagine that you are putting everything that defines you (your possessions and such) onto a conveyor belt. Visualise your possessions moving along the conveyor belt into a fire. They are destroyed.
4: The fourth stage of the maum meditation requires that you do a simple chore like cleaning the dishes. Associate this task with the destruction of your physical form.
5, 6 and 7: Stages five six and seven are repeats of stage 4 with different chores. With each chore you do imagine your physical form being destroyed more and more.
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